Carnosine and sports

Russian scientist E.S.Severin demonstrated in 1953 that carnosine significantly contributes to the physicochemical buffering of acidity in the skeletal muscles by maintaining an acidobasic balance during highly intensive muscle work when the production of H+ is in excess  because of lactic acid accumulation. This significantly increases the acidity in the muscles, causing muscle fatigue, decreasing strength and endurance along with the regeneration slowdown. Carnosine presents 30% of the total buffering capacity of an organism. Current studies have confirmed that increased carnosine concentration leads to increased buffering capacity for H+, which means that carnosine regulates (buffers) intracellular acidity (pH). It is important that carnosine has this effect even when given before exercise.

In general, lactic acid accumulation in the working muscle causes a decrease in pH, an increase in acidity, resulting in muscle fatigue and exhaustion.

An age connected carnosine concentration decrease also results in a decrease in muscle strength and endurance. Carnosine supplementation then leads to its concentration increase and consequently to strength, resistance, endurance and regeneration renewal and enhancement.  

Carnosine also helps the function of the calcium pump in sarcoplasmic reticulum of muscle cells and keeps calcium channels open. In the case of carnosine shortage, the pump ceases to work, calcium channels close due to an acidity increase, lipid peroxidation increases a malondialdehydes accumulation. Carnosine prevents the development of these harmful reactions and presents an ideal physiological sport supplement. Carnosine is not recognised as a doping agent.

Carnosine also participates in detoxification of reactive aldehydes produced by lipid peroxidation during muscle work in sport and bodybuilding.

Now, carnosine protects muscles against damage, increases their strength, endurance, resistance and speeds up their recovery - as proven by many studies. The properties of carnosine mentioned above were also studied in terms of quantity needed to provide the properties. Studies have shown that the minimum amount to stop lipid peroxidation is 2.5 mM and 1.0 mM to stop the carbonylation. The required concentrations are achievable upon a few months of carnosine supplementation (in one study after 13 months). The carnosine concentration in the muscles increases up to five times after 8 weeks when following a diet containing 1.8 % of carnosine, therefore carnosine is a perfect supplement for athletes.


Carnosine Extra

Multifunctional protection of the cells

120 capsules

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