Carnosine for a long life

Extensive research proves, that carnosine has a significant anti-aging potential regarding its exceptional ability to protect and prolong viability of key building units of an organism (cells, proteins, DNA, lipids). Carnosine can be quite rightly described as a proven longevity substance - it is completely safe, naturally occures in an organism and diet, proved life prolongation in vitro and in vivo. Carnosine becomes the basic substance for life extension.

How does carnosine prolong life?

The answer to this question is not completely known, but the properties of carnosine point to the cell and tissues aging mechanisms and to the anti-aging measures that suppress the processes. Interesting trials were made by Russian scientists in late 1990s testing carnosine anti-aging effects on mice - average life span, signs of aging in mice with accelerated aging. Half of the mice were given dosed drinking water with carnosine from the age of two months. Carnosine prolonged their life span by an average of 20% compared to the control group without carnosine. In addition, mice with accelerated aging lived on average 15 months and showed signs of aging after 10 months. Mice fed with the addition of carnosine were still without aging signs at 12 months with coats that showed signs of youth - a shiny coat (44% vs 5%) and a lower incidence of skin ulceration (14% vs 36%). Carnosine significantly reduced the incidence of spinal lodrocyphosis (pathological spine curvature of the elderly) and skin lesions around the eyes, but had no influence on cataracts. However, the sharpest contrast was recorded in behaviour - only 5% of mice without carnosine showed normal behaviour in old age, compared with 58% with carnosine.

Biochemical  markers of brain aging have also been investigated

Brain cell membranes of the carnosine mice had significantly lower content of malondialdehyde (MDA) a highly toxic product  of membrane lipid oxidation. Monoaminooxidase B activity in carnosine mice was 44% lower, indicating the dopamine production maintenance (low levels of dopamine is found in Parkinson). Glutamate binding to its cell receptors was doubled in carnosine mice. The fact that glutamate is the principal excitatory neurotransmitter can explain the normal behaviour in carnosine fed mice. This study proved, that carnosine significantly improves aging signs regarding physical health, behaviour and brain biochemical markers, including extending lifetime in genetically modified mice with accelerated aging. Authors of this study slightly modestly conclude, that carnosine fed mice can be characterized as more resistant to the aging signs development.


Carnosine Extra

Multifunctional protection of the cells

120 capsules

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